As the Regulatory Framework has changed dramatically over the years and continues to do so, it is imperative that corporations know the system. Blackgold are experts in Regulation. Whether it is AER Directives or AUC requirements we will build and execute on a comprehensive regulatory plan. A key component of your success is knowing the rules, following them, and then mitigating them if issues arise.
Services Include:
AER/AUC Non-routine applications
AER/AUC Hearing Representation
Expert Witness Production
Surface Rights Representation
Blackgold’s bespoke style of service sets us apart in this particular area. As having in-house counsel with over two decades of legal experience, your interests are our top priority. Our style of service is consistent with our vision, “you pay when you need us”.
As the world and especially the legal environment has changed, corporations, commercial operations, and vested stakeholders need access to critical legal representation and being the true experts in the field, this is what we offer. Most of the time a negotiated agreement or settlement can take place and it is usually in the best interests of both parties to do so. In the cases that cannot be resolved this way we will represent you at the Surface Rights Board, Court of Queens Bench and beyond.
Services Include:
Surface Rights Board Representation
Annual Compensation Reviews (Rent Reviews)
Contract Interpretation/Renegotiation